I was asked to do this for a friend. The dresses were purchased last Christmas when all the girls were in town together and could go to the shop. Now, almost 9 months later, with the wedding in September, the bride's sister is almost 9 months pregnant! I am fortunate that the design of the dress includes a very full pleated skirt, and the girls wanted about 6 inches chopped off the bottom of all the dresses, to take them from mid-calf to just above the knee.
One of the other bridesmaids dresses, shortened to knee length. (the black ribbon is only to hold the dress on the hanger, it should have been tucked in for the photo - sorry)
We are now ready for the first fitting, where I will determine how much extra fabric needs to be along the back seam, and it I need more fabric for the top of the bodice (maybe even shoulder straps if required to hold the dress up).... stay tuned.